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FLM Recherche, Stéphanie Monjon, 19 janvier 2024

19 janvier @ 12h30 - 14h00

Présentation en français

Intervenante: Stéphanie Monjon est Maître de Conférences en Sciences Economiques à l’Université Paris Dauphine et chercheuse associée à la Chaire Economie du Climat.

Titre: Feedback and cooperation: An Experiment on sorting behaviour (Noémi Berlin, Mamadou Gueye, Stéphanie Monjon)

Résumé: In this paper, we use a laboratory experiment to analyze the effect of information provision (feedback) on individual sorting behavior. To be effective, sorting must be a mixture of quantity and quality. However, increasing quantity may reduce quality due to the increasing risk of contamination. We consider a two-stage coordination game in which individuals first choose whether or not to participate in the sorting activity, and then complete a collective sorting task. The performance, a mixture of quantity and quality, of their sorting is measured. In this situation, information about the partner’s past performance and information about one’s own past performance are used as feedback treatments. Using a between-subjects experimental design, we find that providing feedback about own performance to an individual who decides to engage in a sorting activity is more efficient than not providing information and than providing information about the partner’s performance. Although the experiment is uncontextualised, the results have direct consequences on any situations implying an individual decisions in a collective task (e.g. waste sorting behavior).

Informations pratiques: Notre Friday Lunch Meeting aura lieu de 12.30 à 14.00 

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En présentiel, l’événement se tient en salle de séminaire au 4ème étage du Palais Brongniart, 28 Place de la Bourse, 75002 Paris.

Si vous souhaitez recevoir des invitations aux FLM, présenter vos œuvres ou vous désinscrire de la liste de diffusion, n’hésitez pas à contacter cette adresse : flm@ChaireEconomieduClimat.org
