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Paris summit: First step toward new global finance system?

Publié le 28 juin 2023

Uniquement disponible en anglais.

A summit on global finance has brought together world leaders, international institutions and NGOs in Paris. It could be the beginning of a policy shift in international finance.

The « summit for a new global financial pact » could be seen as just another international meeting coming on top of regular climate conferences of parties (COP) and gatherings by the G7 and G20, the world’s seven and 20 most advanced economies.

For two days, the Palais Brongniart, a neoclassical building that used to house the stock exchange in the center of Paris, was filled to the bursting point with the roughly 1,500 participants, including 40 heads of state. […]

Olivier Damette, professor of economics at the University of Lorraine and associate researcher at the Paris-based Climate Economics Chair, agrees the meeting could indeed represent a turning point. […]

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