
Demand-Pull Instruments and the Development of Wind Power in Europe: A Counterfactual Analysis par Marc Baudry et Clément Bonnet

Publié le 09 juillet 2018

Only available in English.

Publication de l’article « Demand-Pull Instruments and the Development of Wind Power in Europe: A Counterfactual Analysis » par Marc Baudry et Clément Bonnet dans la revue Environmental and Resource Economics.

Renewable energy technologies are called to play a crucial role in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Since most of these technologies did not yet reach grid parity, public policies have been implemented in order to foster their deployment.

The approach that has been privileged in Europe is the demand-pull approach that aims at creating a demand for these new technologies and at stimulating their diffusion.

This paper examines the effect of demand-pull policies on the diffusion of onshore wind power technology in six European countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

In a first step, a micro-founded model of diffusion is calibrated in order to replicate the observed diffusion of wind power in these six countries.

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