
Energy, climate and development: From international heterogeneity to local implementation par Anna Creti et Philippe Delacote

Publié le 27 juillet 2020

Disponible uniquement en anglais.

Publication de l’article « Energy, climate and development: From international heterogeneity to local implementation » par Anna Creti et Philippe Delacote dans la revue Energy Economics.

Volume 89, Juin 2020

The economic growth of developing countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, requires affordable and reliable access to energy. Furthermore, in a context of global climate change, this access needs to be sustainable, resilient to weather and economic shocks, and equitable. This special issue is the follow up of the annual conference organized by the Climate Economics Chair on “Climate Energy and Development”. It regroups selected papers that shed light on the complex issue of improving access to energy in developing countries in an environmentally friendly and equitable way.

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