
Strong transparency required for carbon credit mechanisms

Publié le 02 avril 2024

Uniquement disponible en anglais.

Publication de l’article Strong transparency required for carbon credit mechanisms par Philippe Delacote, Tara L’Horty, Andreas Kontoleon, Thales A. P. West, Anna Creti, Ben Filewod, Gwenole LeVelly, Alejandro Guizar-Coutiño, Ben Groom &  Micah Elias  dans la revue Nature Sustainability.

The credibility of carbon offset mechanisms is threatened by many issues  related to their true effectiveness. We advocate that these issues cannot  be effectively addressed without a dramatic improvement in transparencacross the entire value chain of carbon offsetting, a crucial step for achieving  a reduction in carbon emissions. Voluntary carbon credits have emerged as a key financing mechanism  to scale up reforestation and forest conservation, climate-friendly agriculture and the clean energy transition, as well as activities such as  waste management and improved cookstoves. Carbon credits can be  used by private firms for offsetting their own emissions, for corporatsocial responsibility purposes or as pilots for compliance markets.