
Lecture «Economics of energy and environmental economics » by Anna Creti

Open to the IEF Master students from Paris-Dauphine University

Lecture «Economy of climate change», by  Patrice Geoffron

Lecture « Empirical modeling of gas and electricty markets», by Anna Creti

Lecture « Economics of gas markets » by Anna Creti and Olivier Massol

Open to the Energy – Finance – Carbon Master students from Paris-Dauphine University

Lecture « Industrial organization », by Anna Creti

This lecture is open to the EEEET Master students (ex EDDEE) consortium :
AgroParistTech, IFP School, Paris-Saclay University, Ecole Centrale de Paris, INSTN, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Mines Paris Tech, Ecole Polytechnique Paris Tech, EHESS, Paris Bourgogne University, ENSTA Paris Tech and Paris Ouest