Christian Gollier,General Director of the Toulouse School of Economics and member of the scientific committee of the Climate Economics Chair
The climate after the end of the month
For a long time, the highly flammable illusion of a wonderful ecological transition that would create jobs and wealth for all, while restoring nature to its former glory, has long been sold to public opinion. This cave of Ali Baba does not exist. On the contrary, whatever we do, the fight for the climate is detrimental to purchasing power. It forces us to turn away in the medium term from this fossil energy that has made our fortunes for two centuries and to ask the developing countries to do the same. This war for climate can not be won without the mobilization of everyone. This requires applying the polluter-pays principle by imposing a universal carbon price reflecting the value of the damage it generates, even if it compensates for the poorest. But are the French ready to sacrifice a little of their welfare today to improve the well-being of others, even if this other is essentially not French, and it is probably not even not born yet? For most, here and elsewhere, the end of the month passes before the end of the world. This disturbing observation raises the question of our responsibilities towards humanity.
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