
Results for: D%C3%A9velopper l%E2%80%99agriculture et la for%C3%AAt en synergie tout en luttant contre le changement climatique

557 results found.

Working Papers

Co-firing coal with biomass under mandatory obligation for renewable electricity: implication for the electricity mix

…a renewable energy sources (RES) so as to meet the mandatory obligations in electricity. We provide simulations for the French and German electricity mix, with investigations about consequences for cost…


Raphaël Trotignon’s interview for Les Echos by Muryel Jacque

Interview conducted by Muryel JACQUE for Les Echos (edition of 15 January 2019), Find the article here Raphaël Trotignon, a researcher in energy and climate economics at the Climate Economics…


The Chair read for you Une monnaie écologique by Alain Grandjean and Nicolas Dufrêne

…system. Encouraged for a long time, austerity has forced States to take little action favoring the climate. However, pursuing the ecological transition will require colossal investments, notably to clean the…


The Chair read for you Plastique, le grand emballement by Nathalie Gontard with Hélène Seingier

…exist, but their environmental benefits have yet to be established and they are too immature to be deployed on a large scale. Recycling has thus been added to the two…


The Chair read for you Natural Capital, Valuing the Planet de Dieter Helm

…rule. The former postulates the level of renewable capital should be kept at least constant, and there should be general capital compensation for the depletion of non-renewable resources. The latter…


[🇫🇷] Qu’est-ce que le nouveau pacte financier mondial, outil promu par Macron face au changement climatique ?

la refonte du système financier mondial. Objectif : fournir aux pays du Sud les moyens d’opérer leur transition écologique et de faire face aux effets du changement climatique. Lire l’article

Peer-reviewed article

« Biomass for electricity in the EU-27: potential demand, CO2 abatements and breakeven prices for co-firing » dans la revue Energy Policy

The article « Biomass for electricity in the EU-27: potential demand, CO2 abatements and breakeven prices for co-firing » by Vincent Bertrand, Benjamin Dequiedt and Elodie Le Cadre published in…


The Chair read for you Comment les économistes réchauffent la planète ? from Antonin Pottier

…a carbon market. Antonin Pottier sometimes goes to the easy criticism of unorthodox economists against orthodox economists. For example, when he blames econometric studies on impacts of climate change for