
Results for: D%C3%A9velopper l%E2%80%99agriculture et la for%C3%AAt en synergie tout en luttant contre le changement climatique

557 results found.


The Chair read for you This changes everything by Naomi Klein

…been notably advocated for by the American non-profit organization Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), which prides itself in proposing humbler and less radical solutions than green activists, in order to incentivize…


The Chair read for you Merchants of doubt by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway

…was seen a good argument against regulation as well. If we assume a high enough discount rate on the future, then the cost of actions now for some uncertain future…


The Chair read for you Ralentir ou périr, L’économie de la décroissance by Timothée Parrique

…misleading and has never been proven empirically. The author points out that “between 1983 and 2015, the poorest 50% of French people only captured 20% of total growth, a share…


The Chair read for you L’économie fémininiste by Hélène Périvier

…women perform a large part of domestic work, which penalises them in the paid labour market. The gendered division of roles within family organisation leads to the discrimination of women


The Chair read for you Impact Investing: Transforming How We Make Money While Making a Difference by Antony Bugg–Levine and Jed Emerson

…demand for impact investing, driven by increasing public awareness of social and environmental issues, and the need for investment capital to address these challenges. He also discusses the potential for

Working Papers

Carbon Contract for Differences for the development of low-carbon hydrogen in Europe

By Corinne Chaton and Coline Metta-Versmessen While developing a low-carbon hydrogen economy in the European Union is currently an energy transition keystone, electrolysis based production is not yet competitive compared…


The Chair read for you Supercharge Me: Net Zero Faster by Eric Lonergan and Corinne Sawers

Supercharge Me : Net Zero Faster [1] by Eric Lonergan and Corinne Sawers, falls within a genre of literature which tries to make economic concepts accessible, comprehensible, and communicable to…


The Chair read for you Repenser la pauvreté by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo

…rate of women in poor countries and show that when poor people do not have access to social safety nets, having many children remains the only alternative for parents to…