Peer-reviewed article

Feedback and cooperation: An Experiment in sorting behavior

Published on 17 January 2025

Article publication Feedback and cooperation: An Experiment in sorting behavior by Noémie Berlin, Mamadou Gueye and Stéphanie Monjon in Ecological Economics review.

Volume 230, April 2025, 108505

In this paper, we use a laboratory experiment to analyze the effect of information provision (feedback) on individual sorting behavior. Effective sorting requires both quantity and quality, yet increasing quantity may reduce quality due to the higher risk of contamination. We conduct a collective sorting behavior experiment consisting of a two-stage coordination game in which two subjects are paired and then individually decide whether or not to participate in a collective sorting task. The performance achieved depends on the quantity and quality of sorting, and the payoff depends on the decision and performance of both subjects in the task. Information about the subject’s own past performance, and information about the partner’s past performance, are included as feedback treatments. Using a between-subjects experimental design, we find that the feedback type has very different effects on participation, performance and coordination (defined as both subjects succeeding in the sorting task). Only feedback about one’s own performance leads to better performance and more coordination. Although this experiment is not contextualized, the results provide useful pointers for waste sorting policies.

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