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COP 21 : 200 économistes pour un prix du carbone dans “Le Choix de la Rédaction” de France Culture

Published on 22 October 2015

While the last round of negotiations is being held currently in Bonn, the radio program “Le Choix de la Rédaction” of Radio France Culture comes back on a proposal made by economists.

200 of them , including Jean Tirole , price the bank of Sweden 2014 ( equivalent of the Nobel Prize in Economics ), are calling for a carbon price for CO2, only way to encourage member countries to shift to a low-carbon model.

Marie Viennot, reporter at France Culture, attended a conference day at Paris -Dauphine University on the subject and interviewed Jean Tirole , Christian de Perthuis , Roger Guesnerie … For economists who signed the Call, a global price per tonne of carbon would be a way to resolve the rider , which is central to these negotiations.

Listen to the program