
Results for: D%C3%A9velopper l%E2%80%99agriculture et la for%C3%AAt en synergie tout en luttant contre le changement climatique

557 results found.


Unlocking European biogas and biomethane: Policy insights from comparative analysis

…on the importance of scrutinizing sectoral massification, novel business models, infrastructure integration, and enhanced financial accessibility to improve their competitiveness and market advancement within the energy landscape. Read the article


The Chair read for you La Chaire a lu pour vous Les économistes sauveront la planète (avec un peu d’aide) by Julie Bouvot and William Honvo

…of environmental political action, from local citizen involvement to a visit to New York to meet the international leaders responsible for preserving our environment. Beginning with local and then national…


[🇫🇷] FLM Debate, Christian de Perthuis, May 17th 2024

…du climat. L’heptagone désigne les polygones à 7 sommets. C’est la raison pour laquelle il permet de figurer les 7 idées forces du livre « Carbone fossile, carbone vivant »….


[🇫🇷] Pourquoi les prix du pétrole n’ont pas grimpé

L’attaque iranienne contre Israël ce week-end n’a pas provoqué une flambée des prix du pétrole, comme certains l’espéraient. En milieu d’après-midi, lundi 15 avril, le prix du baril de Brent…


The Chair read for you Le capitalisme au village. Pétrole, État et luttes environnementales en Amazonie by Doris Buu-Sao

…health consequences of extractive activities, have ended up claiming a right to work for them, often as a form of compensation. This phenomenon is made possible by the communal enterprise…


Strong transparency required for carbon credit mechanisms

Article publication Strong transparency required for carbon credit mechanisms par Philippe Delacote, Tara L’Horty, Andreas Kontoleon, Thales A. P. West, Anna Creti, Ben Filewod, Gwenole LeVelly, Alejandro Guizar-Coutiño, Ben Groom…


Give and take: An analysis of the distributional consequences of emission tax-and-rebate schemes with an application to greenhouse gas emissions from European agriculture

…and budget, a rebate proportional to initial emissions leaves pre-existing inequality virtually unchanged. A well-designed rebate can thus be critical for the acceptability of climate policy instruments. Read the article


Is the long-run Demand for Air Transportation Set to Grow? An Empirical Analysis of the US Domestic Air Travel Demand

…reduced form model which includes the national Gross Domestic Product and airline ticket prices, and by including factors which are usually overlooked when forecasting air travel demand such as the…