Reza Lahidji, Head of the Evaluation and Governance unit, KPMG Norway, and specialized in public policy evaluation. He is member of the Expert Committee of Economists at the National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management.
Evaluating the management of radioactive waste – Methodological issues
The nuclear activities of many countries have generated, for more than half a century, a considerable stockpile of radioactive waste, some with high activity and / or long-lived, which must be managed in a safer and more sustainable manner than this is not the case today. In addition, the civilian use of nuclear energy is set to continue for at least several decades and even represents, for some, an important element of strategies to combat global warming. The problem of nuclear waste management is therefore bound to endure on the one hand and, on the other hand, to interfere with debates on climate policy. In France, the legislator opted in 2006 for a geological disposal solution for high-level, long-lived radioactive waste, and entrusted this responsibility to the Agency for the management of radioactive waste (Andra). Andra has developed in stages a storage project called Cigeo and located near the town of Bure, on the border of the Meuse and Haute-Marne. This project should soon be the subject of a public utility declaration file, which includes a socio-economic assessment (SEA).
To advise it in the conduct of this evaluation, Andra set up a Committee of economist experts which has met regularly over the past two years, contributed to the development of a method and supervised the work of ‘ESE. In particular, the Committee had to respond to the considerable methodological challenges posed by the assessment of nuclear waste management solutions, particularly in taking into account the very long term and the representation of radical uncertainty for the public decision-maker. These methodological questions, familiar as they are to the climate economist, arise here with even greater acuteness than in the debates on the fight against global warming. Indeed, the various waste management choices involve costs, benefits and risks that extend not over decades or centuries, but tens of millennia, and bring into play extreme scenarios for the evolution of the environment. society.
The seminar will seek to present the main lines of the project, give an overview of the methodological challenges posed by its evaluation and analyze the practical responses proposed by the committee of experts, in particular by mobilizing recent advances in economic theory in an open manner. and accessible.
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12:30 pm – 14:00 pm